Saturday, March 31, 2007

A nice time at Kew Gardens

Today we had a nice family trip to Kew Gardens in West London. The main theme of the visit was the Spring Festival, many of the plants are showing signs of growth and there was an animal farm for the kids. As ever the scratch-card quiz went down well with Tom and Jason - although the prize of sunflower seeds was a bit of let down (but has sparked a challenge for the house to see who can grow a sunflower taller than Daddy!).

As ever a fun trip - made better by the fact that it started raining when we got home.

New Layout, New Start

Hello to my new look Blog. I know that I have not done much around here for some time, but Spring has arrived so out with the old and in with the new!

I plan to put more posts, pictures and content into here over the coming weeks - so let's see how we get on.
